Oh boy, PETA is at it again. Michael Vick and PETA had an agreement to shoot an anti-dogfighting public service announcement upon Vick's release from prison. I think this was a great idea: one thing I have repeatedly complained about is the willingness of PETA and our society to tear down Michael Vick for his actions, instead of also taking advantage of his position in society to get word out to the entire dogfighting subculture. Vick's representatives asked for one thing: for PETA to give him their support when he asked for re-instatement with the NFL. PETA balks at the request, pulls the offer from the table, and makes the following recommendation:
"Saying sorry and getting his ball back after being caught enjoying killing dogs in hideously cruel ways for many years doesn't cut it," said PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. "Commissioner Goodell knows that he has an obligation to the league and to millions of fans, including children who look up to ballplayers as idols, to make sure that Michael Vick is mentally capable of remorse before he can touch, let alone wear, an NFL uniform again."
Ingrid Newkirk, are you for real??? First of all, explain to me what mental capabilities I would need before being able to "touch" an NFL uniform. Your reaction is symbolic of the problems that exist in today's politics and advocacy groups. First, you go after Vick, for a justifiable reason, and in some ways I understand and even commend the work you did to bring light to Vick's horrible acts. Now, when you have an opportunity to do something positive for society, for animals, and for Michael Vick, all you do is try and flex your muscle to get the NFL to bow down to your demands? Who are you helping with this? Who the hell are you to tell the NFL how they should or should not evaluate Michael Vick? You are supporters for ethical treatment of animals. Serve your purpose, do your job, and stop making propaganda and publicity out of every opportunity. You've just lost a tremendous opportunity for curtailing and curbing illegal dogfighting using preventive measures rather than combative ones. You and your organization make me sick.
The Misinformation Machine.
2 weeks ago
They make me sick sometimes because in certain instances they value animal life over human life. Which is not a good policy in my opinion.
I've noticed that in many animal lovers. It's kinda creepy. I understand a love of all life but to diminish the importance of human life in appreciation of the life of an animal is even more inhumane, isn't it? I've seen people allow dogs to mistreat their children and chalk it up to the dog not knowing any better. If the kid kicked the hell out of the dog, of course a reprimand is very much in order. That doesn't stand to reason.
It's just a more extreme case when we're talking about Micheal Vick. If you think about he announcement he would have made, it would have made him a much more effective advocate of their cause if he was allowed back into the NFL. They would be able to refer back to the well known athlete for years instead of on this one occasion. That was a foolish man speaking out of emotion instead of out of reason. To have a former NFL athlete advocate anything is much less useful than a current NFL forerunner.
Stupid people are such a nuisance sometimes.
I know this isn't PC, but let me be clear about how I feel: I will never place an animal's life on the same level of importance as a humans. If its between me and a dog, koala bear, whale, lion, dinosaur, or any other creepy crawly, I am going to pick myself everytime, as well as my loved ones. PETA doesn't think the same way, which in my mind is a bit crazy.
While I personally value human life over animal life, I have no problem with PETA claiming that animals are just as valuable or more valuable than humans. It is inane to claim that in my mind, but there are much stupider beliefs that people hold. In this case, I'm more upset by the politics they are playing. This shows the group's true colors and hypocrisy. Instead of combating dogfighting on a large, public scale with a PSA, they choose to strongarm the NFL and gain more influence. Anyone who is paying attention and supports PETA should be critical of PETA for this.
I have a problem with people starving in our own country, yet I just saw a commercial for ASPCA or something that wants me to donate money ($18 per month) for some animals. If I have money to donate, why don't I give to my local food bank or something. CHILDREN ARE STARVING! If people are dying from starvation and malnutrition, then shouldn't we help them before we help the stray dogs and cats?????
I can see where you are coming from and I agree with you. However, I feel the bigger problem isn't necessarily what they believe...it's the fact that PETA is selling out its own purported beliefs and playing games to get more clout and publicity instead.
I'm sure this makes everyone even more excited about PETA.
PETA Letter
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