Friday, October 31, 2008

I Hate the CNN Electoral Map!

CNN for the most part does a pretty good job of covering politics (Nothing can touch NPR). Although I feel that they are just a little biased towards the democratic party, I think they have very thorough programming. Plus, I am voting democrat this election. So it doesn't bother me. Anyway, I am not writing today about the ills of media bias. I am writing because I hate that stupid electoral map that they show on CNN. I feel like some baby boomer decided that the CNN election coverage needed to have a more techy feel to grab the attention of generation next, X, and Y. For those of you who do not watch CNN regularly, let me explain.

The CNN electoral Map is a giant flat panel touch screen. It kind of has the iphone thing going on. On the screen is a map of the United States in which each state is either dark blue-for a democratic state, light blue-for a likely democratic state, dark red-for a highly republican state, light red- for a slightly republican state, or yellow for a swing state. A CNN correspondant stands in front of this screen and taps it and drags stuff changing dark blue to light blue, or yellow states to red, red states to blue, dark blue to light blue, yada, yada, yada! While he is doing this, the possible number of electoral votes for both candidates changes each time. The news anchor looks on in awe like, "wow thank you so much for showing America that you can use a giant iphone".

No one can follow that stupid map! The information changes too fast and they have offer no valuable information! That's really all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Many people, both black and white, are worried about the "what if?" factor in this election. Both sides have fears (of course the big fear of an Obama assassination plot being carried out) about what will happen when Obama wins or loses. Will a loss cause a "black revolt" or a win make Joe SixPack search for revenge on the streets? Some are even concerned about the black response to an Obama win. Listen to this NPR program dealing with voters in York, PA. What do I think? In an Obama loss, America will revert back to an early "let's not talk about race" society. In a win, we will finally open up and address the race issue. Think. Race is STILL an issue in America. I feel the need to speak out to America regarding the race issue. Can we admit (white America) that there are prejudices in our society? That some DO have it better only because of their skin color? Once we open up and speak out about our TRUE feelings regarding race, we can conquer racism. As long as we keep putting it under the rug (like many are doing in this election) WE CANNOT MOVE FORWARD!

We have to remember that we are all human and should be treated as such. Listen to Chuck D on NPR.

I have tackled the race topic before (check the archives) and it is not a dead issue. It is clear in this election season that the rhetoric from the right is extremely racist. It may not be blatant, but it is there and no one wants to address the elephant in the room. In my mind, I feel that Obama is the new Jackie Robinson. He is being bombarded with threats, labels, racial remarks, hypocrisy, and fear mongering yet he remains steadfast. THAT alone should cause those undecided (and even decided) voters to recognize the presidential pedigree of Obama over McCain. Obama won't lash out against whites (don't fear him) and he won't "lead the black revolt", but he will be a man of great character in spite of the foolishness going on around him.

BUT, if Obama does lose, this blogger reserves the "right to riot" or at least have a general anger about him (much more than usual).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Political Rap by ATL kids

One of my friends alerted me to this video...check it out! And since they are from the ATL we can forgive a few slip ups...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Real American

What is a real American? You may think that you are, but you probably aren't (at least according to the GOP). But let's take a look at the real issue. Why is it that patriotism is measured by how much you are willing to suck America's proverbial dick? If you criticize America you are un-American by 'their' standards. Why? Is that the way of the Founding Fathers? I would contend that a real American is anyone who speaks for what they believe in, even though it could get them killed!

So why can't we all be real Americans? Because the GOP thinks that only small towns have values and that big cities are moral drains on society. This is a fear tactic, because all areas have good and bad (almost to an equal degree). You can't live your life in constant fear. This is not a productive manner in which to live.

Why do we want a country divided into real and fake? Can we all just be Americans and embrace our differences? America was not built on everyone thinking the same way. The Founding Fathers had many very heated debates regarding public policy and the Constitution. This didn't just happen overnight. We have to encourage rational debate because without it we are a nation of blowhard pundits. Just because we have differing viewpoints doesn't mean we can't, as rational adults, learn from one another.

Even Palin is tired of her own 'real America' rhetoric. Or as I like to call it...BULLSHIT! And if you still don't believe that others feel this way, check out these two and here.

Ugh...Social Conservatism!

The thing that pisses me off the most about the republican party platform is their quest to push their social conservatism on me. It's so ironic to me that they are the ones who say they want less governmental interference, but they are the first ones to push these Big-Government initiatives. If "family values" are such a big thing then they should have nominated James Dobson for president. But I guess he was tied up defending his gay pastor and senator friends.

Anyway, I bring this up because there is a proposition on the California General Election Ballot referred to as Proposition 8. Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election Ballot titled Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. If passed, the proposition would "change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California." A new section would be added stating "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Who cares!?

By what definition is the government defining marriage? Is it the Biblical definition? If so, we have now created a dangerous blur of the line between church and state. That means anything we interpret in the Bible can be turned into a law (Remember the Biblical justifications for slavery?). Then at the end of the day, whose Bible do we get to use? The Bible does not advocate divorce either, but I don't see any proposition 8 on banning divorce. But I guess that would be kind of awkward seeing that John McCain divorced his former swimsuit model wife because she was critically injured and disfigured in a terrible car accident. Talk about family values! Even though she stayed faithful to him while he was a POW and raised his three children, he married the younger, blonder, richer Cindy McCain one month after the divorce.

I'm so sick of hearing about "family values", "right-to-life", "marriage between man and woman", "prayer in schools", "ten commandments on public buildings", "stem-cells have a right to life", "Obama is a Muslim" blah blah blah. At the end of the day, these social conservative family value scare tactics are just a bunch hypocritical B.S. For example:
Do I agree with same-sex marriage? NO! Do I need the government to legislate that? Hell NO! Bottom line, my marriage will not be any less valid or happy because Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi are "married". The economy is still in shambles with or without proposition 8. Yes or No we are still fighting a useless war in Iraq. I think it is sad that people are so insecure in their own marriages, family life, and spiritual walks that the decisions of other people affect their way of life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The recent posts have probably made you angry at McCain-Palin, but this should make you smile...

Palin as President...kinda funny.

But this video is classic, watch til the end, it contains a 'twist'.

Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain/Palin supporters display IGNORANCE (at least these supporters do)

Why are these people so ignorant? What's wrong with being a muslim? And Obama is CHRISTIAN and went to CATHOLIC school. He has a white mother and a black father. If you don't wanna to vote for a black president, vote for the white half of Obama (thanks for the joke David Alan Grier). And I am sorry, but whites have been 'anti-black' for quite sometime. Plus, since when is having a black president a reason for 'the black to takeover'?

Watch the video and see for yourself.

Yet, all supporters aren't anti-muslim. In an effort to be fair, check out the video below.

Really? The Race Card

Here is another example of blatant disrespect. Why can't blacks support other blacks because of the issues? Whites can support whites without having to be accused of racism (at least I wouldn't accuse them). Here is what Pat Buchanan said recently. And I have also linked to another blog that is pretty good at explaining the stupidity of his comments. Watch the whole thing for maximum befuddlement.

The Other Blog is HERE.