I know that its been some time since the last post here, but school has been a beast and I have been quite busy. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, please read the following story from Fox News (click here).
I can't believe this story. To recap, a Fort Meyers Beach, FL town council voted 5-0 to FIRE (yes, FIRE) town manager Scott Janke "without cause". The Mayor (Larry Kiker) said that he found out Janke's wife was a porn star and took action a few hours later by calling the meeting. Really? You fired a man because his wife was/is (I think was only) a porn star? Would you fire someone for having sex in a position other than missionary as well? Or do you think your town would look bad because a porn star is the wife of an elected official? Guess what?!?! Now you look bad and you look stupid/prudish and backward. Congrats. Was his wife selling DVDs in town hall? No...ok...did she hit on different members of the town council and offer sexual favors (which they would have taken...probably)? Nope. Guess what else? Your Mayor then made this statement: "We did everything we could not to judge," Kiker told the paper. "It's not about him and her. It's about the town." You did everything you could? No, you didn't. If you did you wouldn't have fired him for marrying someone who did porn.
Why do I care about this? Because it means you can get fired for things you can't control. Imagine you marry someone who had a job that was less than reputable (but everyone loves/uses regularly) and has since moved on, but you get FIRED for their past job. Unless they were a criminal you should file a lawsuit and collect your check. America, what are we coming to? Seriously. One day we will have freedom in this nation. One day all this equality bullshit will mean something...one day. But since we have town's firing men with porn star wives and neighbors calling the cops on black neighbors who happen to live in nice neighborhoods and come home late only to find that the door is stuck...I can't even speak on THAT dumb situation. Should we even say racism anymore or should we just say FEAR (same thing usually). Educate yourselves, ignorant masses, don't be afraid of your neighbors (black or white), go meet them and maybe they'll look out for you (or you won't call the cops on them for dumb shit). I realize I'm rambling on about several issues, but the crux of the matter is this: until we realize that being truly equal and truly accepting of our differences means NOT judging each other then we are doomed to have a nation that is afraid to 'do the right thing' or stand up for those that can't stand for themselves.
So, to Mayor Larry Kiker I want to extend the following message (usually I would extend a big "FUCK YOU and the TOWN COUNCIL", but I think that is against my own message): I hope that you realize (and I assume your Christian with views like those) that Christ hung out with thieves and harlots (a little worse than porn stars...or much worse) and only condemned those who judged others. Open your eyes and stop the madness. Why can't we do these little things? Who cares if your town has a lesbian mayor? Does she do a good job? Yes? Then shut the fuck up. If you can't accept those that are different, then you can't be mad when others don't accept you...think about it.
P.S. I would have probably visited your town a lot sooner with a porn star as the wife of a prominent official...*shakes head*
The Misinformation Machine.
2 weeks ago
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