Not really sure what the title means, but I thought it would get some attention. Surprise, surprise America, we have the Midwest doing things that California could not. We even addressed the Prop 8 debate on this very blog (thanks Tali). I'm somewhat excited. Not because I am gay or anything, but because this means that Americans are not just red and blue, or liberal and conservative, we are a thinking nation. We do have gut reactions, but we also think things through. I have religious beliefs that are against homosexuality (male to male, haven't found anything against lesbians in the Bible...weird...thanks God...I guess, but I digress), but I am not going to let MY beliefs control those around me. My beliefs have not one fucking thing to do with your beliefs. We are talking about laws that reflect direct religious principles; laws that have no place in a 'secular' society (I mean, if we want to observe religious laws we are WAAAAY off right now).
Here is the thing, why are people so against gay marriage? Religion. Yet we have a separation of church and state that is not being upheld. Maybe 'gay' isn't even in line with evolutionary, 'survival of the fittest' (no reproductive abilities on their own...just sayin') principles, but that doesn't mean someone can't marry the person they love. Who am I to stop them? In my opinion that is not where the law belongs. Keep the law out of my sexual affairs (gay or straight). I mean, in some religions, oral sex is frowned upon (or non-missionary sex or sex for pleasure), do I want the government telling me what positions I'm allowed to perform? NOPE! So, based on those items, my personal feelings on gay marriage DON'T FUCKING MATTER! And neither do yours. Gay marriage doesn't even bother heterosexual couples! I mean, if your dude already wanted to marry dudes, but didn't cause it was illegal, then you had a problem in the beginning. Over at the Huffington Post (damn they discuss how allowing gay marriages can support heterosexual marriages (WHAT?!?!).
Now, for you homophobes (I include myself), calm down. This isn't the end of the world for you. Relax. Take a deep breath. And remember, I don't care what your religion says, I am solely speaking to the fact that the government should not be involved in those matters. And if I wanna marry a fucking be it (extreme, but seriously...who cares?). I would not label myself as conservative or liberal, but I would say that I seek that which is real. I try to understand those who are different and we shouldn't prevent those that aren't "normal" from doing the whole gay marriage thing. Congrats Iowa and realized the stupidity in the laws and fixed it.
Oh yeah, if you would like to continue to discuss this issue, post a comment!
The Misinformation Machine.
2 weeks ago
Very interesting... I have to say I agree for the most part. I don't agree with us forcing our beliefs on others. Your point about the separation of church and state and then religion being the very reason we won't allow gay marriages.
Now of course us heteros feel like it's just not fair that they be able to get married. Like it doesn't show a good representation to the kids and they may just want to "do it" because everyone else is. Well, train up a child in the way that they should go and keep pressin. They already know what's gay and what's not. Having a legal marriage on file doesn't change that.
The real crime is ANYONE getting married and not being serious about it. I think heteros think that homosexuals won't be serious about marriage because they're gay... I have to admit I thought so too, because well... I feel like their sexual preference is foolishness to begin with. But regardless of the thoughts of little old me, I support freedoms. God gave us choice, so who do we think we are to take them away? We created this stupid legal marriage stuff anyway. I never heard of Abram and Sarai having a marriage certificate. hmph!
I agree...divorce is the true "enemy" to marriage. And no one is making laws against that! So I want to tell the folks against gay marriage to shut up. Live your life and let them live theirs. Love thy neighbor...
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