Monday, October 20, 2008

Really? The Race Card

Here is another example of blatant disrespect. Why can't blacks support other blacks because of the issues? Whites can support whites without having to be accused of racism (at least I wouldn't accuse them). Here is what Pat Buchanan said recently. And I have also linked to another blog that is pretty good at explaining the stupidity of his comments. Watch the whole thing for maximum befuddlement.

The Other Blog is HERE.


rikyrah said...

Pat " Black people should be happy for slavery" can't be surprised in the least by what he said. I know I'm not.

Theo said...

Yeah, I had almost forgotten that we should be thanking master for bringing us to the 'New World'.

Theo said...

Hmmm...white privilege? So true. I think that should come up in our upcoming dissertation on "Race in the USA". Keep an eye out for it.